Garden #12, 蒲原みどり, 2013年, 350 × 2,000 × 20 mm, 木製パネルに油彩、金箔
Garden #11, 蒲原みどり, 2013年, 350 × 2,000 × 20 mm, 木製パネルに油彩
こころの柱, 小森愛, 2013年, 480 × 400 × 400 mm, K18ゴールド、ガラス・彫金
“Symbiosis is close and often long term interaction between two or more different biological species”
Building design by the architect, Jun Igarashi. Each floor is organically connected by a stairway. There is FORTUNA, an import boutique on the 2nd floor, and AI KOMORI, a jewelry boutique on 3rd floor. They share the building.
Fashion and Art live together in this beautiful building. Mixing these elements can make a wonderful space for people to delight in a creative vibe.
スペース シンビオーシス(札幌)
住所:札幌市中央区南2条西4丁目10-6 SYMBIOSISビル1F